Wood Expressions. Made To Measure, Made To Live.

Top-rated italian carpentry sourcing premium raw material from sustainably managed forests in Northern Transylvania.

From your imagination to reality.
We create new spaces characterized by functionality and style.

Balance, harmony and unity will always be the guiding force of delightful interiors.

The comfort level of a space which is meant to be both, functional and beautiful, will have to be in tune with the basic principles of handcrafting, even when designed using advanced technological means.

Seamless process

How It Works

01 Share your vision

02 Set Budget & timeline

03 Research & Design

04 Implementation

Excellence in carpentry

With an innate skill in woodworking, we have an intimate bond with wood.. This allows us to provide quality assurance throughout the process.

Globally renowned projects

Our experience is marked by collaboration projects with world famous architects and design agencies hired by sophisticated brands.

Local production support

Contributors to the artisan community by combining what is desirable in craft with what is possible through design. Premium supplies, diversity of raw material and strategic sourcing are key to our harmonious outcome.

Custom Furniture Design

Crafting personalized concepts with a unique approach to solve one’s problems of space and mood; that’s what made-to-measure-furniture means to us.


Together, we will build
your ideal space

Our Story

The forest is not a resource for living, but life itself. Harvesting wood by cleaning the surrounding forests from old, downed trees is a ritual, not vandalism. It’s a celebration of balance and harmony. Sacred.

Wood must be treated with reverence, crafted with passion and holiness. Especially when used to design beauty of space. It cannot be replaced by any other material.

Our carpentry skills are a legacy which cannot be replaced by machines, but rather adds considerable value to design technology. A self-educated sense based on a personal relationship which involves touching, smelling, cracking, sawing, sanding and blending.

Inspired by our work?

Please fill out the form, so we can learn more about you and your needs.